Mental Health

Focus on Mental Health

Many fears, phobias, and disorders fall under mental health. These are often difficult to treat effectively with medication, and these prescriptions can have dangerous side effects and cause other issues. Hypnosis is a way to help you lower your stress and anxiety and control symptoms without using potentially harmful prescription medication. 

Hypnosis Can Help With


Some people know they sabotage themselves, while others wonder why they seem to fail in things they know they’re capable of doing. Sometimes it’s a negative voice in our heads telling us we’re not worthy. Or perhaps we have a deep-seated belief that being successful (earning too much money, having a happy marriage, etc.) is somehow unfair to others. If the answer to the question of “What’s stopping you?” is “YOU”, let’s talk.


Often people procrastinate because they’re so afraid of failure, they can’t make a move unless everything is PERFECT. Other times, people have developed the habit of waiting until the last possible moment to do something. This is almost always a recipe for disaster when the unexpected happens. Learn how to DO IT NOW the fast and effective way.

Anger Management

All emotions serve a purpose, including anger. If we or someone we love is threatened, anger crowds out logic to produce an immediate and powerful response. And it feels good! There is a price, though. Prolonged anger is six times more correlated with heart disease than smoking. It impairs our judgment and affects the quality of our relationships. The key to keeping your cool is to deal with the emotional response at its source: the subconscious. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you find yourself staying calm and collected in formerly anger-provoking situations.


Traditional talk therapy is not particularly effective in raising a person’s self-esteem. When a person feels bad about themselves, positive talk and compliments can actually make the self-esteem issue worse – even if the person logically knows they should feel good about themselves. Low self-esteem can have many causes. Regardless, the way to counter them is to change the feeling first. The beliefs will follow.


Confidence is strong belief that you will succeed. More often than not, our fear of failure creates a self-fulfilling prophesy. Then repeated failures erode our natural confidence. The best professional athletes have one thing in common: they don’t think in terms of failing but in terms of learning from their experiences and applying that knowledge. How different would your performance be if you knew deep inside that you WILL succeed, and your setbacks will help in that process?


All humans are born with only two fears: loud noises and falling backwards. Every other fear is learned. Many believe they are weak because of their fears. They therefore often will not seek help to get rid of them. Sometimes fears will resolve themselves as we mature but phobias won’t. Either way, why suffer when you don’t have to? Hypnotherapy provides a painless remedy for freeing yourself from fears and phobias.


The percentage of the population suffering from depression has increased 10-fold since the end of World War II. Symptoms vary but most often include a sense of hopelessness, catastrophizing, chronic fatigue, and a deep, simmering anger at the helplessness sufferers feel. Because talk therapy usually isn’t very effective, most treatments involve prescriptions for a variety of anti-depressant drugs. While these mask the emotional malaise, they don’t actually solve the problem and, in fact, can prolong it. The solution lies in the deeply therapeutic rest provided by hypnotherapy and developing behaviors that satisfy our life needs.


Even though modern society has reduced some of the major threats to our existence, like starvation or becoming a giant predator’s hors d oeuvre, almost everyone suffers from stress. Stress results from the fight or flight response, which causes our bodies to release adrenaline and cortisol. Our bodies hang on to every calorie, and our tense muscles raise our blood pressure and pulse rates. The normal response involves ignoring it – a bad idea, as this can eventually lead to high blood pressure and organ damage. Using a combination of mindful techniques and therapeutic hypnosis, you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel.


Anxiety is an anticipatory fear. Although it is often the result of stressful experiences, it also is stressful in its own right. Most people are amazed to discover how much control they actually have over anxiety and how much better they feel when they get the upper hand. In many respects, anxiety is a behavioral habit. Nothing is better for lowering stress and halting habits than hypnotherapy.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

When a person has a traumatic experience, the subconscious responds by keeping that memory alive to avoid repeating it. Sufferers often feel guilt at their inability to ‘get over it’ and have bouts of anger. They may have frequent nightmares and flashbacks. They may self-medicate. Using hypnotherapy, I help clients to strip away the emotion from their memory so that it can be moved out of the forefront of their minds.


I wish I had a dollar for every person I’ve met diagnosed with ‘attention deficit disorder.’ Video games, TV shows, and a demand for instant gratification have set the stage for this national problem. Our attention span is like a muscle: we can exercise it, strengthen it, and increase its endurance. Like lowering our stress, the benefits of improving our focus and concentration are massive.

Smoking, Alcohol & Gambling

Many refer to these as ‘addictions.’ More accurately, they are habits. We weren’t born smoking, drinking, or gambling. Over time, we did it enough to where it seems to acquire a life and a mind of its own. Most habits are beneficial, like driving a car or making a bed. They speed things up and free our logical minds for making decisions. But when you logically recognize you’re doing something destructive and can’t stop, it’s time to let me help you change your mind – with hypnosis.

Overcome Those Mental Obstacles That Are Holding You Back

Conquer those mental challenges in your life with hypnosis. Contact our office today and schedule your consultation at 404-434-4847.

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